


Predicting the Future

The Tarot has several advantages over other forms of divination, the greatest of which is that it may be used successfully by a relatively unskilled reader. Accuracy, as would be expected, improves with practice, for it is only with practice that one develops intuition and clairvoyance. Many use the Tarot as a way of developing their powers of ESP. For the beginner it is possible to use the cards immediately, however the learning process can go on for many years. There will always be something new to discover about the Tarot. Day by day, week by week, a relationship between a particular pair of cards will suddenly fall into place, or a deeper meaning will become apparent.

The Tarot has an imprecise relationship with the dimension of time. Contrary to popular opinion the cards cannot predict the future. If the future were a definite and unalterable fact then the cards could be used to predict it. But the future is not a predetermined and planned event; if it were it would require a planner. (This raises more problems than it solves. If the future were predetermined, then every detail of every event would have to be considered in advance, in effect creating the future in all its minutiae before it actually happens.) What will happen tomorrow varies, sometimes subtly, sometimes dramatically. It is constantly adapting and changing, responding to the events and decisions made today. Viewed in this way, the future is not a definite and unavoidable fact; what actually occurs is one of a number of possibilities.

The concept may be represented visually in the shape of a cone. The apex represents the present, the future paths spreading out towards the base, which represents all possible outcomes. The numerous possible futures converge the closer they are to the present, where they become the single event we call 'now'.

So any prediction relating ,the future should be considered as an option which may be influenced by the preceding events. In a reading, the cards will give an indication of how the eventual outcome of a situation may e manipulated or controlled by the questioner. This may be a pointer to how to achieve a particular aim, or to actions that could prevent an undesirable event occurring.

Whatever the reading, the questioner always has the power to determine his or her own future. When made aware of the possibilities, one is better able to prepare for and grasp any advantage. Without this awareness, one is left helpless, unable to steer a course to the future. In such a tate no advance is attainable. This also explains why two consecutive readings for the same person may be totally different. Following a first reading, the questioner will have absorbed the information given, either consciously or subconsciously, and so will have a different understanding of the options available when entering into the second consultation. The possibilities have already been affected by his understanding.